Design - Illustrate - Make



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Statistics taken from the World Health organisation indicate that over 2 billion people live without access to safe drinking water at home. These are families, predominantly living in rural Africa and Asian communities who must walk an average of 6km to retrieve their water. In many of these communities, women and children are the primary retrievers of communal water and are limited to carrying a few litres at a time, often carried in jugs or jars placed on the shoulders and heads. Greater access to clean water helps to promote hygiene, and helps reduce, diseases, infections and chemical contaminants spreading within the community.

It is worth noting that these communities are frequently limited by their infrastructure, meaning repair and maintenance of overly technical and delicate devices are instead discarded or repurposed.

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My solution was to develop a pair of 40L customisable barrel frames that allow for more controlled transportation over longer distances while providing the user with more control through varied terrain. The Auqa-Haul barrels feature a simple screw locking mechanism that allow total modification of length and use. With the use of any sturdy material like a branch, these frames can be transformed into a short or long cart or two individual push barrels. allowing for maximum efficiency within a variety of situations. This design delivers more creative freedom to the end user as possible and encourages unique modification and ingenuity.