Design - Illustrate - Make


Microplastic Ocean Containment Unit

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The prevalence of microfibers in the ocean is at a historical peak and action must be taken to mitigate this environmental problem. The MicroVac is an end to neutrally buoyant ocean microplastics that float 3 meters below the surface. Made from injection and blow moulded ABS and aluminium, this self-sustaining unit slowly draws polluted water up and out of the ocean into a collection tray that can then be cleaned.

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Utilizing solar cells, a GPS tracker, and a series of LED strobe lights for 24hour detection, hundreds of units are can be deployed in high pollution areas for maximum effect. A large rotating screw draws up microplastics and smaller ocean debris through the external filter cage, preventing larger marine life from getting caught and injured. The microplastics are then ejected above sea level into a fine mesh tray that is periodically emptied.

Whilst this project remains theoretical, I believe that large scale implementation this device can help reduce the ever growing number of microplastics in the ocean.

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