Nick Frearson
For as long as I can remember I have always been drawn to creativity, and the freedom of expression it offers in drawing, prototyping and developing solutions. Following a curiosity in Engineering and a passion for the Arts, I found myself wandering the expansive avenue of Industrial Design. With a strong focus on sustainability and the social responsibility of products and services, I have been able to develop a professional portfolio of completed projects I am proud to showcase here.
In 2019 I graduated with a BA (Hons) in Industrial Design at Swinburne University of Technology where I was able to hone my ideation and product development skills to an industry level. During this period, I was fortunate enough to work with likeminded professionals and peers, who were able to provide valuable insight into the world of design. Working in team projects to develop a range of services and products has helped me grow my interpersonal skills, constructive self-criticism and an improved quality of work.
I am also self-taught in variety of tactile mediums and am constantly seeking to grow these skills for personal development. As such I have developed expertise in fields such as Leather work, 3D printing, Laser Cutting, Blacksmithing, Knife Making, Wood Work, Furniture Design, Product Design, Photography, and Digital Illustration.
CV available upon request.
Footscray City College
2014| HSC
Swinburne University of Technology 2015-2016| Diploma of Design
Swinburne University of Technology 2016 to 2019| Bachelor of Industrial Design (Hons)
Concept Ideation
Digital Rendering
Critical Thinking
Rapid Prototyping
Problem Solving
Market Research
Leather Work
Metal Work
Wood Work
Oil Painting
Website Design
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Indesign
Adobe Premiere
Sketchbook Pro
Google Sketch Up
Microsoft Suite
Hand Tools
Trotech Laser Cutter
UP Box Plus 3D Printer
Ender 3 3D Printer
Wacom Cintiq 22HD
Wacom Intuos